
ITC ELearning 2010

This tag is associated with 6 posts

ITC’s ELearning Conference – Arrival Day

Have been looking forward to the ITC ELearning 2010 conference in Ft. Worth for awhile and it’ finally here! I came a little early due to flight schedules from Phoenix and plans to attend a pre-conference session tomorrow.

If the van ride over is any indication of what I am going to learn at the conference, things are off to a great start! I rode to the hotel with two other attendees. They both teach science online (geology and oceanography). In the space of about twenty minutes, I learned the following (at least, this is pieced together from what I remember and what I could type into my Blackberry in the dark while we were driving):

  • Info Tidbit: Research has shown that catfish are very sensitive to electrical changes and act weird several days before an earthquake. (Similar info on this Tsunami Page)
  • Project to Research: Global Rivers Environmental Education Network – a program that empowers kids to gather data about the quality of water in their area
  • Website to check out: The Library of Congress American Memory site
  • Software to pass along info about: Image Salsa is used by the geology professor to capture thousands of pictures of cloud movement and display them on a website to help students understand weather patterns

So, off to a big start. We talked about more but I don’t remember to many specifics. I will capture more from my sessions the next few days and keep a log on this site.
